

Discover at Kaede, our magical gastronomic corner in Málaga, a culinary experience that will transport you to the very heart of Japan. Immerse yourself in a fascinating journey where tradition and creativity merge in every dish, offering a dance of flavors that awaken the senses and nourish the soul.

In our kitchens, the passion for authenticity is the essence of each recipe. Every ingredient is carefully selected, seeking those that pay homage to the nature and purity of the land of the rising sun. Our talented chefs, experts in the art of Japanese cuisine, work with skill and dedication to create dishes that not only captivate the palate but are also true works of art for the eyes.

We invite you to join us at Kaede, where each visit is a celebration of Japanese culture and an opportunity to explore new culinary horizons. Let us be your guides on this journey, where passion and creativity come together to delight your senses. Welcome to Kaede, the authentic tribute to Japanese gastronomy in Málaga!